Existential travel diary...

Here I am...

15/10/2009 15:54

Here I am. In my bed, listening to the most peaceful words.

It took me more than 6 months to write this. Not because I didn’t find the time, or motivation, but because I didn’t find the words. How comes? I don’t know.

Where would you find words to describe what you can’t define yourself? And though you feel you NEED to find those words, to NAME what is burning, bowling deep inside you, because it makes you feel bad, cry, suffer, bleed.  Even in peaceful days, you know something is wrong, and you just don’t know how to fix it.

Little by little, you begin to understand that something has been broken inside. And comes the time you try to fix it, you look for solutions, substitutions, bandages, anything. But it doesn’t work. Well of course it won’t, you probably don’t have the right ones. You might have focused on something totally useless, even harmful sometimes, because you would have found some weak state of peace, thinking “yeah, I got it!”, and realize soon after, when you break down, that it was not the peace you were seeking.

You’re convinced – or at least think you are convinced – that you’ve put your heart, soul, and life in the hands of Allah swt, and you wonder why nothing is changing. So you feel deeply depressed. Nothing cheers you up anymore. And yet, you secretly hope to find the solution, hope that someday, you’ll wake up and not have that burden bearing upon your chest anymore. O God, yeah, you hope.

But what have you done actually? Have you put yourself into question? Have you taken great decisions? No, I haven’t, should I have done so?

ان الله لايغير ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما فى انفسهم

« Allah does not change His favour upon any nation until they change their own condition » (Surat Ar-ra3d (13) Ayah #11)

And by change, I mean deep change. Of course it’s hard, and you ask yourself “How can I do this? I just can’t, am I not suffering enough? Do I really need to be harder to myself?” Yes sweetheart, you do… You say ok, let’s go, here I am ya Allah, I abandon what I used to do, even if I used to like it, because maybe it is wrong, and maybe that’s why nothing has changed up to now. And this is when you realize what is completely putting yourself into Allah’s hands, and how you were wrong on how you used to handle your situation.

Here I am, trying to structure my phrases in order to give you and myself something as clear as possible.

I must confess that it’s still hard sometimes. But when I remember what I’ve decided, and why I’ve taken such decisions, I can’t help feeling good, because if it’s tough now, I’ll be more rewarded next.

I used to feel great during Ramadan, you know why? Because everything around me reminded me of Him, it was so easy to do a good deed and feel its immediate consequence, so easy. And I used to tell myself “Ya Allah, alhamdulillah, my faith is so grown up!” But then I felt as if the connection was lost, and me with it. Now I realize what having faith really means. Anyone can pray 5 times a day, and fast sometimes, and read some verses, it doesn’t cost anything. Since the moment I said “Ya Allah, I can’t do anything without You, ya Allah, I just CAN’T help myself, so please, help me, You’re the only one who can!”, I felt something new. Self abandon. Now I’m most grateful. And I’ve understood why it‘s said that hardship is meant to make you come closer to your Lord.

Here I am. Brothers and sisters, this was my renewal.


Compostez le billet... :)

Date: 20/10/2009

Par: Asmaa

Sujet: ?

J'ai envoyé un commentaire, il s'est pas affiché, j'espère qu'il s'est pas effacé et qu'il y a juste besoin que tu le valides d'abord :S
Tu me manques, Allah maek

Date: 20/10/2009

Par: Asmaa..

Sujet: ...

Ya Allah ya Imane, j'ai lu ton article en vitesse à la cafét, j'avais pas du tout eu le temps de lire avant, j'avais même oublié de répondre à ton texto tellement je cours partout en ce moment, tellement je suis fatiguée et j'ai rien le temps de faire.. et Allah est témoin, ton article m'a transportée et j'ai eu les larmes aux yeus dès les 3 premières lignes.
Je dois malheureusement partir car j'ai une réunion puis un cours pourri, mais je te promets de t'écrire un commentaire plus décent. Je voulais juste te laisser un petit mot pour te dire que j'ai lu tes mots magnifiques et que je pense vraiment fort à toi. Tout le monde te connais maintenant en syrie =)
A bientôt et sois courageuse,


Date: 20/10/2009

Par: Imane

Sujet: Re: ...

Wa7ashtiny aussi amie =) merci pour tes mots, ça fait du bien tu peux pas imaginer à quel point... J'attends ton "commentaire décent" ceci dit ;) take care sweetheart <3

Date: 19/10/2009

Par: Hicham

Sujet: Our Minds

Imane, I understand what you mean exactly. I do believe that everything in this world is about person's mentality and what he/she has placed into the mind. So in case we want to make that kind of change, we should go for understanding what we want to do and this simply means the great Ayah that you mentioned in your post: "Allah does not change His favour upon any nation until they change their own condition"

Date: 18/10/2009

Par: Reem

Sujet: Beautiful

that's beautiful imane , thank u for such a comfortable post :)

Date: 18/10/2009

Par: Imane

Sujet: Re: Beautiful

Teslami 7abibty =) *hugs*

Date: 17/10/2009

Par: Abdo

Sujet: Solutions?


I read your post 3 times now and found no comment, as I saw it as a reflection to my state as well, I frequently have the same thoughts. You boldly presented the solution "completely putting yourself into Allah’s hands," Yes, that a perfect description to the meaning of a Muslim.

The Muslim who remember that in every prayer while saying in Fatiha. "Guide us to the straight path".

So, after the bouncing emotions calmed down with a project to sort out or an exam to get ready for; the only solution to keep in track is to ask god for guidance always and then building relationships and uniting with fellow Muslims who will keep us directed to our goals and that's the core of #MuslimUnity

“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.” [Qur'an 09:47]

- Abdo

Date: 18/10/2009

Par: Imane

Sujet: Re: Solutions?

Sadaqa Llahou l3adhim...

Barakallahou fik Abdo for such a comforting comment, I'm most grateful indeed... =) And I pray, everyday, for a stronger ummah, and stronger unity with my brothers and sisters, and inchallah, with people like you all, I'm sure we'll succeed, incha'Allah =)

Date: 17/10/2009

Par: Reihab M.

Sujet: Flabbergasting!

Assalamu alaikum..
I'm so ashamed for being that late, I really wish I was the first one to comment on this amazing striking words of your pure heart.

Mashaa'Allah. Your words are so touching; I got chills while reading it, it's true that whatever comes from the heart reaches the heart. It made me feel like I'm right within you, feeling you struggling back and forth to really surrender your heart and soul to the All-Mighty willing. We were all there at some point of our lives, and we'll always be in need of Allah desperately to embrace us with his mercy and grace; even more than a baby needs his mother, Allah (swt) is actually tender and loving to us lot more than a mother to her child. Al-Wadud (The Loving) and He's closer than veins. SubhanAllah. Just the same as all muslims, I wish that the whole year would get the same spirit and holiness of Ramadan, because one feels like in heaven during this marvellous month. This time out for Allah w/o any distractions, bring my soul to a higher levels of faith and bonds with her creator. Miraclous!

Thank you for taking us in this journey of your heart; actually I've never seen any more deeper or more simple change of a heart than what you made me experience in this note. I beleive you just arrived on the door of Jannah, which is pretty open for you with such a way of beleiving in God, the way you put all your trust in Him, the way you enhanced your Iman to the extent. What abless to be guided by the Lord to heaven? Iman.. your name and everyone has got a share of his name's meaning so how beautiful to have such an Iman by name and by heart.
You amaze me. Fe 7efz Allah my dearest sister.
I love you fi sabil Allah. =')

Date: 17/10/2009

Par: Imane

Sujet: Re: Flabbergasting!

Ya Allah, your comment is just so breath taking =') Thank you so much, for the connection Allah swt established between our hearts, I'm so thankful, so grateful for this blessing... soub7anallah indeed =)

May this text be useful and helpful to every heart, every soul in need. I hope that our iman will keep growing, and may Allah swt help us cheer up and support each other in this amazing journey, Allahoumma amin =)

Ou7ibboki fiLlah Reihabty =)

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